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Mothers are magical creatures! And especially during the postpartum period, she can be carried, fed, pampered and cared for by those around her. The mother's energy and attention only needs to be focused on her own recovery, caring for the baby(s) and landing together.

Eating well is an essential part of good recovery. According to age-old traditions of almost all cultures, healthy, nutritious and easily digestible food during the first 40 days (6 weeks) contributes to the mother's recovery, breastfeeding, hormonal balance and even the mother's health for the rest of the year. her life.

As a Fooddoula, I am happy to help give the new family a good start. You can buy this gift voucher for yourself or another mother-to-be and use it during the maternity period. Please coordinate in advance, due to planning!

Postpartum Food

  • Please agree with me about the due date before purchasing a gift voucher :)

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